Keys in life

Dear Diary, Am I Likeable?


When I received an email from Hulu announcing the addition of the Golden Girls as a viewing option I got excited.  I recall watching the show as a child and enjoying it. But, it wasn’t until I was much older that I started to enjoy the show at a deeper level. I am quite fond of the work of the show’s creator, Susan Harris. She has a knack for wrapping life lessons in humor within 30 minutes.

I recently watched the episode when Blanche’s niece visited Miami. At the end of the episode Blanche has a conversation with her niece and realizes that she has been trying to gain the acceptance of others, and she makes a very profound statement.

“You’ve been trying so hard to get people to like you, that you never got around to liking yourself.” – Blanche, The Golden Girls

I am an advocate for self-love and acceptance. I’ve come to realize that everyone will not appreciate me, celebrate me, love me, or even like me. But, that doesn’t mean I cannot like, love, celebrate, and appreciate myself.

A lot of what is classified as acceptable and favorable  in our world today is fueled by popularity and likes through the eyes of society. Truthfully, the existence of social media has made it worse.

I admit that I’ve gotten sucked into the pursuit of likes and acceptance during my quest to encourage others. There have been moments that I questioned my ability and purpose – to the point that I asked myself if I should keep going. But, I was reminded that what I am doing is helping someone – even if that someone is me.

Why am I telling you this? To inspire you to keep going in spite of how you may feel. As I stated before, everyone is not going to accept you. But, that doesn’t have to keep you from accepting and liking yourself.

Being considered likeable by a large group of people sounds cool, but if I don’t like myself why would the large group matter? The truth is, the most important human relationship we will ever have is the one with self.

I am learning that wanting to be considered likeable by another isn’t fruitful. What is fruitful is being at peace with oneself. And that comes from self-love and acceptance, which derives from liking self.

Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.







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