Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness

What’s Behind the Diary of a Stylish Buxom Beauty Catchphrase?

A few years ago I received a Lane Bryant catalog that captivated my attention and piqued my interest. Obviously, it was filled with clothing options, but it also told a story of being fearless and daring like we were as children. I found the concept quite intriguing. Even though the catalog was about fashion trends—which focused on mixing patterns, colors, and fabrics—I was drawn to the freedom of expression the trends offer. To me, it sent a message of being childlike and unrestricted when it comes to fashion. But I would like to take it a step further in regards to body image and self-acceptance.

Before hitting puberty and being subjected to peer pressure and the desire for acceptance, I can recall being carefree about what I looked like and what I put on my body—I didn’t think about it. I unwittingly allowed my individuality to shine through. I wasn’t inhabited by judgmental looks and snickering. Now that I am older I recognize the idiocracy in conforming to the opinions of others.

When I started this blog in 2015 I created a catchphrase that I use to close every post.

“Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.”

– B.B.

I created the catchphrase to drown out negativity from the outside world and to silence the self-doubt that is birthed within the mind. I finally realized we are all different and everyone has insecurities. I also learned my beauty is not like anyone else’s and I shouldn’t expect to be. I am the only Towanda and the act of embracing and displaying my uniqueness is beautiful.

The catchphrase or motto enforces the fact that we are unique mentally, physically, and emotionally, and our beauty shines through when we allow our uniqueness to show. Have you ever truly looked at someone when they are verbal about something they like or make them happy?  They are relaxed and expressive. You can see their personality and a piece of what makes them happy—it’s a good look.

I’ve learned that I rob myself of more fulfilling relationships by not being myself. Especially the most important human relationship of all, the one with me.

So let’s rekindle the carefree spirit of our childhood and be beautiful by being ourselves. We will make the world a little more colorful by simply being who we are.

Until the next time be you— and more important—love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful. -B.B. 💋


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