Love & Happiness

It’s Valentine’s Day, Again—Does Cupid Know Where I Live?

Today is Valentine’s Day, and I pondered over whether or not to write about it—mainly because I didn’t think I had anything new to say. How many times do I need to remind you and me to love ourselves regardless of what is transpiring around us? How many times do I need to mention we’re on individual paths designed specifically for us? Well, considering the fact that I’m writing this post, I think it is safe to say I need to state it at least one more time.

I was driven to write about Valentine’s Day because I started feeling melancholy. I wondered what could have been the root of the emotion. I questioned if it was work-related, but then I realized it was something more intimate.

There are varying views when it comes to Valentine’s Day. Some people think it is a ploy to get us to spend money on candy, flowers, and jewelry. Others see it as a day to express their love for the people in their lives. Regardless of your stance, the day can be a reminder of what you don’t have, which can potentially cause thoughts of comparison and sadness.

I believe everything happens for a reason and we’re all where we are supposed to be; however, I’d be lying if I said I’m not interested in having more. In all honesty, I miss having someone to laugh with, be silent with, and do simple things like hold hands.

I decided to take the time to share how I’m feeling to hopefully encourage someone. I acknowledge I am reiterating a message I’ve written before. But it occurred to me that someone may need to know they aren’t the only one who longs for companionship. Furthermore, the absence of said relationship can be amplified on days like this. I want to encourage you and me to focus on being content with who and what we have now as we wait for what we want. I don’t know when or if I will experience the things I miss again, but it behooves me to see and appreciate where I am now.

It may not be easy to focus on the good while others are sharing the gifts they received in celebration of this day, but it is my hope that these words make it a little easier to do.

Yes, this has been another “love yourself” message and I’m not going to apologize for it. Enjoy this day and love yourself today and every day. This can be a day to express your love and appreciation for yourself. As a matter of fact, it can be whatever you want it to be. Just make sure it is positive and fruitful for your well-being.

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Until the next time be you—and more important—love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.

-B.B. 💋


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