Keys in life, Love & Happiness

I Don’t Like the Word Fat…Am I Not as Pioneering as I Think I am?

Earlier today I read a very interesting post about the word fat. The author identifies herself with the word and she is comfortable with it. After reading it I pondered over my feelings of discontent with that three letter word. Why do I dislike it so much?

According to Merriam-Webster, one of the definitions of fat is; notable for having an unusual amount of fat. What is an unusual amount of fat? How do you measure that? And why is it “notable?”

I think my disgust for the word fat stems from my youth. I can recall the word being used to insult and degrade the designated target. And this behavior didn’t end at the playground – the word has been used in a derogatory way from the mouths of “adults.”

I wear a size 18 and my measurements are 44-40-48. I proudly identify myself as plus-size, plump, juicy, thick, and full-figured, but I shy away from the descriptor – fat. So let me take a look at my relationship with the word. Do I think the word fat is an insult or derogatory? – Yes, I do. But, why? Is it because others have used it in a negative way? BINGO! Shame on me. How can I call myself an advocate for self-acceptance and push the concept of valuing one’s own thoughts over someone else’s when I’m doing the exact opposite?

My arms are fat, I have rolls, my thighs jiggle, and I have a big booty. I have body fat – so, I’m fat.

I have decided to alter the way I look at the word fat. Earlier in this post I listed one of the definitions of fat according to Merriam-Webster – let me give you the one I shall claim; well filled out, well stocked, and being substantial and impressive. I am definitely well filled out and substantially impressive – I am fat.

After all, we are what we think – so make it a good thought.

Until the next time, be you and most importantly – love you.

Being uniquely you is being uniquely beautiful.

– B.B.


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